I(q) Diffraction Pattern of a 3D cubic lattice
This Javascript plots the diffraction pattern I(q) or I(2theta) of various 3D (cubic) lattices.
Select a cubic space group between 195-230, enter the lattice spacing (size), the number of possible (n = h*h+k*k+l*l) peaks
(npeaks from 1 < n < 40, which are max. 34 peaks as not all peaks are permitted, depending on the spacegroup), the
FWHM and an optional scaling factor f and a constant y-offset of the peaks (for vertical shifting of the plots). For Npoints of the XRD pattern from
q = 0 to squareroot(n)*2*Pi/size will be plotted.
The values are listed/plotted in I(q) vs q in arbitrary units (or I(2theta) vs 2theta in deg using the entered value of
the wavelength (which is in the same arbitrary unit as the lattice spacing) and can be copied
and pasted from the window into any text-file for further processing
and graphical displaying. Permitted Bragg-reflections for selected lattice types are listed