P(r) function calculator of concentric 3D/2D/1D shell models

This Javascript calculates the distance-distribution function of concentric shell models (sphere D=3, disc D=2 or rod D=1). Enter the number of radii (up to 16), the values for the radius R(i) and its electron-density c(i) (between R(i) and R(i-1)). For Nr points gamma(r) or p(r) for D=3, pc(r) for D=2, and pt(r) for D=1, respectively, from r = 0 to (2 * Rmax) with a scaling factor f will be calculated. The values are listed in p(r) vs r or gamma(r) vs r in arbitrary units and can be copied and pasted from the window into any text-file for further processing and graphical displaying.

Input p(r)
radii D
Nr f
R(1) c(1)
R(2) c(2)
R(3) c(3)
R(4) c(4)
R(5) c(5)
R(6) c(6)
R(7) c(7)
R(8) c(8)
R(9) c(9)
R(10) c(10)
R(11) c1(1)
R(12) c(12)
R(13) c(13)
R(14) c(14)
R(15) c(15)
R(16) c(16)

no overlay

Author: M.Kriechbaum, TU-Graz (2012), e-mail: manfred.kriechbaum@tugraz.at