SAXS/WAXS-1D-detector calibration
This Javascript does the-q-scale calibration of a 1D-SAXS or WAXS-curve in transmission mode with a Calibration sample. Enter the number of the detectable peaks (2-12), their d-values and the respective pixel values on the detector. If the origin (q=0) can be measured, it can be entered as the first peak value
with d=0. The resulting equation for the q-scale is then: q = intercept + slope*pixel (fit1) and also q = c + b*pixel + a*pixel^2 (fit2). Also the center of the beam X0, the pixel (position) where q=0, will be calculated (from fit1) and might be negative if it is out of the range of the 1D-detector.
Note: the linear relationship between q and pixel position is only valid over a small angular range by using a plane position sensitive 1D detector.
Unit of q is 1/A if the values of the peak positions or spacing is also in A. The values of the slope and of the intercept will be displayed and
the fit will be plotted.