
This Javascript does the calibration of a 1D-WAXS-curve in transmission mode with a Calibration sample (preset here: PBBA ( p-bromobenzoic acid), CSD Entry: BRBZAP01 with the calculated XRD-pattern. Enter d-spacings of the diffraction peaks and the respective the pixel or peak position values of the 1D-detector for the max. 6 calibration peak positions. If a peak or more is/are not visible or cannot be detected enter -1. The resulting equation for the q-scale is then: q = intercept + slope*pixel. Note: the linear relationship between q and pixel position is only valid over a small angular range by using a plane position sensitive 1D detector. Unit of q is 1/A if the values of the peak positions or spacing is also in A. The values of the slope and of the intercept will be displayed and the fit will be plotted.

Input Results
d (1): pixel:
d (2): pixel:
d (3): pixel:
d (4): pixel:
d (5): pixel:
d (6): pixel:

Author: M.Kriechbaum, TU-Graz (2024), e-mail: manfred.kriechbaum@tugraz.at