Rg-Calculator of Polyhedra
Selected Polyhedra can consist of up to 3 different types of faces (equilateral n-polygonal or rhombic).
Enter the type and number n (>1) of the (different) n-polygonal (n=3/4/5/6/8/10) faces, their common (equilateral) edge length (a) and either
their common out-sphere(ro) or mid-sphere(rm) or in-sphere(ri) radius originating in the centroid of the respective polyhedron (not of the polygon!),
extending to the centroid of the faces ri (ri > 0) or of the edges rm (rm > a/(2*tan(Pi/n)) ) or of the vertices ro (ro > a/(2*sin(Pi/n)) ), respectively.
Note, that the Platonic Solids (consisting of 1 type of regular polygons) have one common ro, rm, ri for the polygon (all three values are different though),
the Archimedean Solids (consisting of 2 or 3 different types of regular polygons) have one common ro and rm but different ri for the different polygons
(ri for the different polygons will be also calculated and displayed)
The Catalan Solids (consisting of 1 type of irregular polygons with different edge lengths) have one common ri but different ro for the polygon.
The volume, convex surface (sum of polygon areas), perimeter (sum of polygon edge lengths), Radius of Gyration of the solid (Rgs), of the
faces (Rgf), of the edges (Rge) and of the vertices (Rgv) will be calculated for the entered parameters and also for the same shape where the
volume is normalized to 1. Units are arbitrary. Examples are shown here.